Common Lupus Symptoms
Lupus can affect any organ in the body and may cause a wide range of symptoms. Plus, you don’t know when symptoms will strike or how long a flare could last.
It’s a rash for a few weeks and total exhaustion after that. How can I keep up with these lupus symptoms?
A look at symptoms
Lupus is complicated and unpredictable, with a long list of symptoms that can come and go. Many of these symptoms can be the same as in other illnesses. In fact, lupus is sometimes called “the great imitator” because its symptoms may be like those of rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and others.
Review the list of common symptoms below. Choose all that you are experiencing now or have recently had. Mark when it started, how long it lasted, and the level of severity. Then, enter your email to receive a copy.
Remember that having any of the symptoms below does not mean you have lupus. This list is not intended to diagnose a condition or disease state and does not replace the advice of a qualified doctor. This is not a comprehensive list of symptoms.
Be sure to take your completed list to your next appointment. It can help you ask the right questions and have a productive conversation with your doctor.
Symptoms vary
Because lupus can affect any organ in the body, symptoms vary from person to person. And symptoms can change—come and go, improve, or worsen—for each person. The symptoms someone experiences depend on where in the body their lupus is active.
Want to learn more about certain lupus symptoms? Visit our Symptoms in Depth section. There you’ll find information about the symptom, how many people with lupus it affects, and things that may help you deal with it.
Track all your symptoms
Keeping track of your symptoms—what they are, when they appear, how long they last, and how they are affecting your life—is an important part of managing your disease. Symptoms can be a sign that your lupus is active, and that may cause long-term damage to your organs.

Want help tracking symptoms?
Simply share your email address and we’ll send you free tools and resources to help you identify, track, and better understand your symptoms—so you can begin to feel more confident about managing your lupus.